X-Ray Shielding for Non-Destructive Testing
Using high energy X-ray units or Gamma sources such as Iridium 192, it is possible to carry out detailed inspections of materials to detect metal fatigue or faults in the weld of manufactured components.
Requiring high levels of shielding, these facilities can be rooms or inspection cabinets. The rooms are often large and can accommodate forklift access.
Concrete structures for rooms will be preferred where space permits and will include power operated lead lined doors, with a safety interlocking system. The facility has a separate control room which may require the use of CCTV cameras to monitor procedures.
Cabinets will typically consist of a steel framework clad in lead plywood or interlocking chevron bricks, complete with doors and shielded access points for services.
Additional security arrangements may be required for some radiation sources, e.g. lockable door control panels and additional security locks.

Please contact us for further information or to discuss your structural radiation shielding requirements.